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USED Fulltone Secret Freq Pedal

SKU: ZZZ01318
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Product Description

Not another touch sensitive, dynamic natural sounding overdrive but a special overdrive unlike any other pedal.

The Secret Freq is almost like having a 'cocked wah' setting with your favourite overdrive pedal - like Michael Schenker but much more versatile and useful.
Unlike using a wah pedal, this retains the low and high frequencies.

If you're the second of two guitarist in a band, especially a higher gain band, this is your secret weapon... this is the pedal that will help you jump out in the mix.

The 'Freq' is an active narrow band of "Juicy midrange" that can add as much as 20db to your signal.
This will do the Boston/Tom Scholz thing. It will do the Brian May thing and, as mentioned, the Michael Schenker.
Most importantly, you can tailor it to "You" and what you want/need.

A fantastic pedal that, sadly like all Fulltone pedals, is not being made anymore.

This Used pedal is in excellent condition. Can be powered by a Boss style power supply (not included)
Has some velcro attached to the bottom that can easily be removed, if desired.