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USED Fulltone Custom Shop Queen Bee Fuzz Pedal

SKU: ZZZ01357
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Product Description

Germanium Fuzz pedal like no other from the Fulltone Custom Shop.

"The Custom Shop Queen Bee is powered by 3 x New Old Stock Military “Flying Saucer” germanium transistors in an original design that behaves in an amp-like manner, meaning it responds dynamically to the input from your hands and guitar. Great clean-up by lowering the guitar’s volume knob, sweet mids, clarity, sustain,’s all in there."

The first 2 transistors are configured to achieve maximum gain to slam the 3rd transistor. There's an internal bias trim pot for the 3rd transistor that has "No Wrong Setting". You are encouraged to adjust this while playing and use your ear to find your sweet spot.
This pedal cleans up fantastically with the volume of your guitar - super versatile, you could leave this on all the time.

This Used pedal is in excellent condition and comes with original paperwork. 

This pedal can be powered by a 9 volt battery <or> a 9 volt Positive Tip power supply.
NOT a BOSS Style Power supply!