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Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer

UPC: 606559031153
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More in Used by Ibanez
Product Description

Well - HERE IT IS! You've heard it hundreds of times. You've seen it in your hero's rig. You've read about it. You've talked about it. You've dreamed about it. The Ibanez Tube Screamer is the original warm, mid-range-forward, not-too-dirty, not-too-clean overdrive pedal. There are probably hundreds of other overdrive pedals out there that are either inspired by or are downright copies of the Tube Screamer. Classic not-so-attractive-but-still-charming-and-cool green finish and big switch - It's as iconic as they come, and for good reason.

  • 9 Series Tube Screamer
  • Knob Configuration: Overdrive, Tone, Level
  • Faithful reproduction of the original TS9.
  • Country of Origin: Japan