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BOSS HM-2W Waza Craft Heavy Metal Pedal

UPC: 761294518649
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More in Used by BOSS
Product Description

The Legendary Distortion Pedal has been granted new life from Odin and now rises from the Norse Sea to help the new world rock again, as it did in history!

It's BACK. From Gilmour to Gaahlskagg, Prince to Entombed... the Mythic HM-2
Boss Heavy Metal Pedal!
A classic HM-2 with a Custom mode providing a specially tuned more aggressive variation.
Built in Japan, this Waza edition is a thing of Swedish beauty.
Featuring the Classic aggressive buzzsaw/chainsaw sound and focused mids, this WAZA edition has reduced the noise floor and increased the boost by 3db.
Turn everything up full and you get "The Sound!"

Original debuted in 1982, then discontinued in 1991, the HM-2 was designed to simulate the sound of a Marshall Stack. The pedal didn't really take off with the 80's LA/Glam Metal bands, or the wave of British Metal - The Iron Maidens and such but it was David Gilmour of Pink Floyd fame that first showed the HM-2 the Love it deserved!
His 80's Cornish rig could be seen sporting a couple of Boss HM-2 Pedals, each with their own Boss GE-7 EQ pedals for further tone shaping.

As these things go, it wasn't until the end of the production that Swedish and Norwegian Death Metal bands discovered the aggressive and somewhat "Chainsaw" sound that the pedal produced and it then became the sound of Death Metal. 

At this point, Boss should be thanking Swedish Death Metal Band "Entombed" for really being the band that put the HM-2 pedal on the Map of Death Metal!

As proven by Gilmour, Prince, John Mayer (!) Several Post Rock and Shoegaze bands, it's not just a Death Metal pedal!

Don't miss out on this amazing new WAZA edition!