Asha Sahu - Voice, Piano
This is Asha's third year teaching voice and piano. She received her undergraduate degree in Honours Music, Music Education from Wilfrid Laurier University in 2018 as a vocal major. She studied under the leadership of accomplished opera singers Lynda Mieske and Jennie Such. Asha commuted from Waterloo to Oakville every weekend during fourth year university to teach voice, piano, and group piano lessons at Merriam School of Music. She then continued to teach at Merriam for one year after graduation. She is now in her first year of a Bachelor of Education program at Brock University in the Junior/Intermediate division with a teachable in Vocal Music. She is a student teacher in a grade six classroom and is excited to continue her passion of teaching private music lessons at Gear Music as she works towards becoming a certified Ontario music teacher. Her specialties are classical voice and piano and musical theatre. As a child she was involved in all her school musicals as well as performing arts programs after school. During high school he enjoyed recording pop songs and was awarded the Book Award for Vocal Music at her graduation. During her undergraduate studies she focused on singing Italian Arias, French Mélodies, and German Lieder. Her favourite artists are Florence and The Machine, Vance Joy, and Ed Sheeran.